G'day Mate! So Straya. The land of kangaroos, spiders, doonas and cheap pizza. I’ve been in Australia for almost four weeks now and I’m having a great time! I spent the first two weeks in Melbourne and exploring the surrounding area. Melbourne itself didn’t have too much to offer except some great places to eat and drink, but as a tourist the city can easily be covered in a day or two. I went to some Mambo exhibition which is a brand of radical t-shirts from the 90’s. Then I also went to a Richard Avedon exhibition and then toured the city.
One of the days I ventured to the Australian open tennis to pretend I loved tennis for the day. It was a super hot day and I layered up with suncream about every fifteen minutes, especially when we sat in the outside courts and the sun was burning down on us. It was a really good, especially when seeing some Aussies play as the crowd went a bit cray. I didn’t manage to catch Murray playing as the court he was playing on was too pricey for my little purse, but I did see Dimitrov.
Another of the days I met a few people off Couchsurfing and we drove down the Great Ocean Road. Sooooo beautiful, with amazing beaches and crystal waters! I even saw my first wild koala at a caravan site, just chilling in a tree. I also saw a bright bird and then a possum one day whilst I was running. I thought it was some kind of messed up giant rat at first, but alas no! It was a possum.
On Australia day we drove down to a friend of a friend’s house and did all things Aussie, like have a barbie, play some cricket, listen to the hottest 100 and get drunk.
So far I love Australia but I hate the prices and it isn’t as hot as I’d like it to be. Although, the lack of heat means I can sit on the beach every day and not die. At the moment I’m in a place called Portsea which apparently is the most expensive place to live in Australia. It’s full of giant beach houses for the rich and tons of yachts. I’m doing helpx here with an adventure tour group, so they have accommodation, like lodges and cottages, and they also run scuba diving tours, kayaking, snorkelling and the sort. I clean the accommodation for a few hours a day and get to live here for free with all my food and any of the activities with the company for free as well. So far I have snorkelled with some seals, and I saw dolphins on the way to seals! Then I’ve scuba dived a few times and seen sea dragons, 11 legged star fish, jelly fish, fiddler rays and tons of other fish!
Here for about a week and a half more then I head to French Island, where they don’t speak French…
Peace out for now, see you in the arvo x
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