So many people have left my life recently. No one has died (touch wood) but all the gaijin seem to flocking Japan like there is no tomorrow. Firstly, Liz and I were graced with the presence of our broski Andrew! One night of beer, pizza and pool and I realised I've missed this Strayian! But hopefully he's going to visit us for a few days in November, only right around the corner!
And thennnnnnnn my homeslice Gina San is leaving me! My Friday nights will no longer be complete without martinis or search for fat food. Had an awesome night out last week with Gina and Liz, and found a new club which apparently has the uncanny resemblance of a frat house basement, what more could you want?! Gonna miss my Jersey friend, but defs looking at flights to Jersey Shore soon!
Apart from the sad news of my friends leaving, my bestie Tyler is visiting next weekend, which will involve apple pie drinking, and more walks home at 5am. Apart from going out a lot these past few weeks I haven't really done much else. The weather has gotten a lot cooler these past few days, so much so I blowdried my hair for the first time in four months, then I wore more than one layer, and then I wore long pjs! Son of a gun what a good week! Also, planning my next life adventure which is to become fluent French. I've been learning these past few weeks and hopefully getting some French lessons before I leave Japan. Not long left now, and really not wanting to leave this amazing city! But overall English teaching is dull and I'm an impatient foreigner. Oh and on a final note I've broken my toe and I can't really walk so I'm getting fat (little toe above...)
Peace out for now, au revior! x
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